--- title: "About me" date: 2024-04-28 edited: 2024-04-28 draft: false menu: main: weight: 2 params: icon: user --- # About me Hi there. I see you somehow stumbled across my site. I'm 2005 (401\*5=2005) a highschool software developer & tester student from Hungary. I do and like all kinds of things but out of many the following is worth mentioning: - System administration - I manage 4 of my servers in my Homelab. I run all kinds of services both for myself and you out there. I mainly use NixOs and configure services in Nix, but in the past I mainly used docker-compose and alpine linux to carry out my deployments. - Software development - I learn C# and PHP in school which I almost never use. I mainly develop in Rust as I find it fitting for every purpose out there. But I also know Java, C#, Vue, Python and some PHP - Privacy & open-source advocate I created this site to share some of my guides with people. I also plan on making videos in the future but finals make it impossible as of now. # Why 4o1x5? I have no idea why I choose this nickname, I guess I wanted something unique. It's my birth year. You can just call me 2005. # Internet contribution I try my best to contribute the most to the public, as I feel like sharing my knowledge with others is good for my skills even If I get no reward in the end. I got a few project cooking right now, tho I have no idea if they'll ever be done. ## Gaming I play a lot of games in my free time, mostly survival, adventure games. Some PvE too. You might [catch me streaming](https://live.4o1x5.dev) on my site. You are welcome to watch, maybe even if I offer nothing interesting to watch. Some of these include: Warframe, Minecraft, CS 1.6, Overwatch, Orcs must die 3 and so on... Also here is a picture of my cat tiger