baseURL = "" lang = "en" title = "" theme="archie" # Code Highlight pygmentsstyle = "monokai" pygmentscodefences = true pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true paginate=8 [params] mode="auto" # color-mode → light,dark,toggle or auto useCDN=false # don't use CDNs for fonts and icons, instead serve them locally. mathjax = true # enable MathJax support katex = true # enable KaTeX support customcss = ["css/purple.css", ] name="4o1x5" about="Software developer, privacy and libre advocate." [params.listening_to] title = "too late to be sorry" artist = "CXSMPX" url = "" [[menu.main]] name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[menu.main]] name = "About me" url = "/page/about-me" weight = 2 [[menu.main]] name = "Frontends" url = "/page/privacy-frontends" weight = 3