`bunbun-worker` is a bare-bone simple multithreaded worker & client library.
The creator of this crate recommends against using this library in production as it's a rather a proof of concept. If you intend to use RPC, I highly recommend using a crate like [tonic](https://crates.io/crates/tonic).
Remote procedure call, as it's name says is a message that can be sent to a remote microservice to be processed and the result to be returned. In `bunbun-worker` it's implemented by the following example:
ServiceA->>+ServiceB: Hey, could you do this job for me?
Note right of ServiceB: ServiceB does the job
ServiceB->>+ServiceA: Sure, here is the data result
1. ServiceA creates a callback queue that the response shall be sent to.
2. ServiceA sends a json job message to an **already declared** queue on a rabbitmq server.
3. ServiceB is listening on that queue for messages and spawns a new thread for each received.
4. Once ServiceB has finished the work, using the received messages header it responds to the callback queue with the correlation-id.
### Non-rpc
In `bunbun-worker` regular jobs are called _non-rpc_ jobs, indicating that the response is not awaited.
In this crate message versioning is done by including `v1.0.0` or such on the end of the queue name, instead of including it in the headers of a message. This reduces the amount of redelivered messages.
The following example will send a job to a queue named `emailjob-v1.0.0`.
Since the code is hosted on a private git instance (as of right now) any bugs shall be discussed in [4o1x5's project room](https://matrix.to/#/#projects:4o1x5.dev).