{ config, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ rofi rofi-calc btop polybar nitrogen ranger neofetch peaclock cava bluetuith # for screcsotting scrot xclip maim # multimedia feh mpv neovim #animated bg #(pkgs.callPackage ./apps/wallpepper/default.nix { }) # file managing filezilla # screen sharing obs-studio qpwgraph # work #figma-linux #kdenlive #video-trimmer peek # for replay xdotool jq ]; fonts.packages = with pkgs; [ (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "JetBrainsMono" ]; }) ]; imports = [ ./configs/i3.nix ./configs/rofi.nix ./configs/picom.nix ./configs/polybar.nix ./configs/btop.nix ./configs/ollama.nix ./configs/vscode.nix ./configs/gpu-screen-recorder.nix ./configs/firefox.nix # terminal #./configs/st.nix # too minimal, most things dont work without a million tweaks #./configs/kitty.nix # uses their own stupid xterm extension... ./configs/alacritty.nix # just perfect, tho too much gpu usage ]; }