#!/bin/sh # The name of polybar bar which houses the main spotify module and the control modules. PARENT_BAR="now-playing" PARENT_BAR_PID=$(pgrep -a "polybar" | grep "$PARENT_BAR" | cut -d" " -f1) # Set the source audio player here. # Players supporting the MPRIS spec are supported. # Examples: spotify, vlc, chrome, mpv and others. # Use `playerctld` to always detect the latest player. # See more here: https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl/#selecting-players-to-control PLAYER="Feishin" # Format of the information displayed # Eg. {{ artist }} - {{ album }} - {{ title }} # See more attributes here: https://github.com/altdesktop/playerctl/#printing-properties-and-metadata FORMAT="{{ volume * 100 }}% {{ duration(position) }} {{ title }} - {{ artist }}" # Sends $2 as message to all polybar PIDs that are part of $1 update_hooks() { while IFS= read -r id do polybar-msg -p "$id" hook spotify-play-pause $2 1>/dev/null 2>&1 done < <(echo "$1") } PLAYERCTL_STATUS=$(playerctl --player=$PLAYER status 2>/dev/null) EXIT_CODE=$? if [ $EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ]; then STATUS=$PLAYERCTL_STATUS else STATUS="No player is running" fi if [ "$1" == "--status" ]; then echo "$STATUS" else if [ "$STATUS" = "Stopped" ]; then echo "No music is playing" elif [ "$STATUS" = "Paused" ]; then update_hooks "$PARENT_BAR_PID" 2 playerctl --player=$PLAYER metadata --format "$FORMAT" elif [ "$STATUS" = "No player is running" ]; then echo "$STATUS" else update_hooks "$PARENT_BAR_PID" 1 playerctl --player=$PLAYER metadata --format "$FORMAT" fi fi