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2024-04-28 11:30:15 +02:00
# dttyper
dttyper is a terminal-based typing test built with Rust and tui-rs forked from [ttyper](https://github.com/max-niederman/ttyper), that exports each tests into an influx database.
## installation
cargo build
cargo install --path .
# Develop (using crate2nix)
a. Enter dev shell via nix
nix develop
b. modify code and then run with nix
nix run
## usage
For usage instructions, you can run `dttyper --help`:
Terminal-based typing test.
dttyper [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [contents]
-d, --debug
-h, --help Prints help information
--list-languages List installed languages
--no-backtrack Disable backtracking to completed words
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --config <config> Use config file
-l, --language <language> Specify test language
--language-file <language-file> Specify test language in file
-w, --words <words> Specify word count [default: 50]
### examples
| command | test contents |
| :------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------: |
| `dttyper` | 50 of the 200 most common english words |
| `dttyper -w 100` | 100 of the 200 most common English words |
| `dttyper -w 100 -l english1000` | 100 of the 1000 most common English words |
| `dttyper --language-file lang` | 50 random words from the file `lang` |
| `dttyper text.txt` | contents of `text.txt` split at newlines |
## languages
The following languages are available by default:
| name | description |
| :----------------- | ----------------------------------: |
| `c` | The C programming language |
| `csharp` | The C# programming language |
| `english100` | 100 most common English words |
| `english200` | 200 most common English words |
| `english1000` | 1000 most common English words |
| `english5000` | 5000 most common English words |
| `english10000` | 10000 most common English words |
| `english-advanced` | Advanced English words |
| `english-pirate` | 50 pirate speak English words |
| `german` | 207 most common German words |
| `german1000` | 1000 most common German words |
| `german10000` | 10000 most common German words |
| `go` | The Go programming language |
| `html` | HyperText Markup Language |
| `java` | The Java programming language |
| `javascript` | The Javascript programming language |
| `norwegian` | 200 most common Norwegian words |
| `php` | The PHP programming language |
| `portuguese` | 100 most common Portuguese words |
| `python` | The Python programming language |
| `qt` | The QT GUI framework |
| `ruby` | The Ruby programming language |
| `rust` | The Rust programming language |
| `spanish` | 100 most common Spanish words |
| `ukrainian` | 100 most common Ukrainian words |
Additional languages can be added by creating a file in `DTTYPER_CONFIG_DIR/language` with a word on each line. On Linux, the config directory is `$HOME/.config/dttyper`; on Windows, it's `C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\dttyper`; and on macOS it's `$HOME/Library/Application Support/dttyper`.
# Statistics review
A [grafana panel](./panel.json) can be imported to view your reports!
## config
Configuration is specified by the `config.toml` file in the config directory (e.g. `$HOME/.config/dttyper/config.toml`).
The default values with explanations are below:
default_language = "english1000"
server = "http://localhost:8086"
token = "token"
bucket = "dttyper"
org = "dttyper"
keyboard = "Generic"
# default style (this includes empty cells)
default = "none"
# title text styling
title = "white;bold"
## test styles ##
# input box border
input_border = "cyan"
# prompt box border
prompt_border = "green"
# correctly typed words
prompt_correct = "green"
# incorrectly typed words
prompt_incorrect = "red"
# untyped words
prompt_untyped = "gray"
# correctly typed letters in current word
prompt_current_correct = "green;bold"
# incorrectly typed letters in current word
prompt_current_incorrect = "red;bold"
# untyped letters in current word
prompt_current_untyped = "blue;bold"
# cursor character
prompt_cursor = "none;underlined"
## results styles ##
# overview text
results_overview = "cyan;bold"
# overview border
results_overview_border = "cyan"
# worst keys text
results_worst_keys = "cyan;bold"
# worst keys border
results_worst_keys_border = "cyan"
# results chart default (includes plotted data)
results_chart = "cyan"
# results chart x-axis label
results_chart_x = "cyan"
# results chart y-axis label
results_chart_y = "gray;italic"
# restart/quit prompt in results ui
results_restart_prompt = "gray;italic"
### style format
The configuration uses a custom style format which can specify most [ANSI escape styling codes](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters>), encoded as a string.
Styles begin with the color specification, which can be a single color (the foreground), or two colors separated by a colon (the foreground and background). Colors can be one of sixteen specified by your terminal, a 24-bit hex color code, `none`, or `reset`.
After the colors, you can optionally specify modifiers separated by a semicolon. A list of modifiers is below:
- `bold`
- `crossed_out`
- `dim`
- `hidden`
- `italic`
- `rapid_blink`
- `slow_blink`
- `reversed`
- `underlined`
Some examples:
- `blue:white;italic` specifies italic blue text on a white background.
- `none;italic;bold;underlined` specifies underlined, italicized, and bolded text with no set color or background.
- `00ff00:000000` specifies text of color `#00ff00` (pure green) on a background of `#000000` (pure black).
In [extended Backus-Naur form](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_form):
style = colors, { ";", modifier }, [ ";" ] ;
colors = color, [ ":", color ] ;
color = "none"
| "reset"
| "black"
| "white"
| "red"
| "green"
| "yellow"
| "blue"
| "magenta"
| "cyan"
| "gray"
| "darkgray"
| "lightred"
| "lightgreen"
| "lightyellow"
| "lightblue"
| "lightmagenta"
| "lightcyan"
| 6 * hex digit ;
hex digit = ? hexadecimal digit; 1-9, a-z, and A-Z ? ;
modifier = "bold"
| "crossed_out"
| "dim"
| "hidden"
| "italic"
| "rapid_blink"
| "slow_blink"
| "reversed"
| "underlined" ;
If you're familiar with [serde](https://serde.rs), you can also read [the deserialization code](./src/config.rs).