something, idk I still got a lot to do
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Shades of purple neovim
A port of [the original vscode theme](
## Made possible with
- [lush.nvim]( and it's [starter template](
- [oxocarbon]( - variable inspo
@ -1,28 +1,3 @@
-- Built with,
-- ,gggg,
-- d8" "8I ,dPYb,
-- 88 ,dP IP'`Yb
-- 8888888P" I8 8I
-- 88 I8 8'
-- 88 gg gg ,g, I8 dPgg,
-- ,aa,_88 I8 8I ,8'8, I8dP" "8I
-- dP" "88P I8, ,8I ,8' Yb I8P I8
-- Yb,_,d88b,,_ ,d8b, ,d8b,,8'_ 8) ,d8 I8,
-- "Y8P" "Y888888P'"Y88P"`Y8P' "YY8P8P88P `Y8
-- This is a starter colorscheme for use with Lush,
-- for usage guides, see :h lush or :LushRunTutorial
-- Note: Because this is a lua file, vim will append it to the runtime,
-- which means you can require(...) it in other lua code (this is useful),
-- but you should also take care not to conflict with other libraries.
-- (This is a lua quirk, as it has somewhat poor support for namespacing.)
local lush = require('lush')
local lush = require('lush')
local hsl = lush.hsl
local hsl = lush.hsl
@ -30,9 +5,9 @@ local base00 = "#191830"
local base06 = "#ffffff"
local base06 = "#ffffff"
local base09 = "#78a9ff"
local base09 = "#78a9ff"
local colors = {
local colors = {
base00 = base00,
base00 = base00,
base01 = base00,
base01 = base00,
base02 = "#FFFFFF",
base02 = "#fad000",
base03 = "#FFFFFF",
base03 = "#FFFFFF",
base04 = "#FFFFFF",
base04 = "#FFFFFF",
base05 = "#FFFFFF",
base05 = "#FFFFFF",
@ -57,10 +32,10 @@ local colors = {
fg = "#FFFFFF",
fg = "#FFFFFF",
lineNumber = "#7870ab",
lineNumber = "#7870ab",
bg = "#191830",
bg = "#191830",
white = "#FFFFFF",
white = "#FFFFFF",
meta = "#9efff",
meta = "#9efff",
number = "#FF628C",
cyan = "#9EFFFF",
none = "NONE"
none = "NONE"
@ -92,7 +67,7 @@ Visual {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
VisualNOS {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
VisualNOS {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
TooLong {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
TooLong {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
Debug {fg = colors.white, bg = colors.none},
Debug {fg = colors.white, bg = colors.none},
Macro {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none},
Macro {fg = colors.cyan, bg = colors.none},
MatchParen {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02, underline = true},
MatchParen {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02, underline = true},
Bold {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
Bold {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
Italic {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none, italic = true},
Italic {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none, italic = true},
@ -103,8 +78,8 @@ DiagnosticInfo {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
DiagnosticHint {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
DiagnosticHint {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineError {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineError {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineHint {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
DiagnosticUnderlineHint {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none, undercurl = true},
HealthError {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none},
HealthError {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none},
HealthWarning {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
HealthWarning {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
HealthSuccess {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
HealthSuccess {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
@ -120,6 +95,7 @@ FoldColumn {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
SignColumn {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
SignColumn {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
Directory {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
Directory {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
EndOfBuffer {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.none},
EndOfBuffer {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.none},
ErrorMsg {fg = colors.error, bg = colors.none},
ErrorMsg {fg = colors.error, bg = colors.none},
ModeMsg {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
ModeMsg {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
MoreMsg {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
MoreMsg {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
@ -146,24 +122,24 @@ TabLineSel {link = "StatusLine"},
Title {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
Title {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
VertSplit {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
VertSplit {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
WinSeparator {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
WinSeparator {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base00},
Boolean {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Boolean {fg = colors.number, bg = colors.none},
Character {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
Character {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
Comment {fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.none, italic = true},
Comment {fg = colors.error, bg = colors.none, italic = true},
Conceal {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none},
Conceal {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none},
Conditional {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Conditional {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Constant {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
Constant {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none},
Decorator {fg = colors.base12, bg = colors.none},
Decorator {fg = colors.base12, bg = colors.none},
Define {fg =, bg = colors.none},
Define {fg =, bg = colors.none},
Delimeter {fg = colors.base06, bg = colors.none},
Delimeter {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
Exception {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Exception {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Float {link = "Number"},
Float {link = "Number"},
Function {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Function {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Identifier {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Identifier {fg = colors.white, bg = colors.none},
Include {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none},
Include {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none},
Keyword {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
Keyword {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
Label {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Label {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Number {fg = colors.base15, bg = colors.none},
Number {fg = colors.number, bg = colors.none},
Operator {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Operator {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
PreProc {fg = colors.meta, bg = colors.none},
PreProc {fg = colors.meta, bg = colors.none},
Repeat {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Repeat {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Special {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
Special {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
@ -172,143 +148,19 @@ SpecialComment {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
Statement {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Statement {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
StorageClass {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
StorageClass {fg = colors.keyword, bg = colors.none},
String {fg = colors.string, bg = colors.none},
String {fg = colors.string, bg = colors.none},
Structure {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
Structure {fg = colors.macro, bg = colors.none},
Tag {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
Tag {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
Todo {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
Todo {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
Type {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
Type {fg = colors.type, bg = colors.none},
markdownBlockquote {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
markdownBold {link = "Bold"},
markdownItalic {link = "Italic"},
markdownBoldItalic {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.none, bold = true, italic = true},
markdownRule {link = "Comment"},
markdownH1 {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none},
markdownH2 {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownH3 {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownH4 {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownH5 {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownH6 {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownHeadingDelimiter {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownHeadingRule {link = "markdownH1"},
markdownCode {link = "String"},
markdownCodeBlock {link = "markdownCode"},
markdownCodeDelimiter {link = "markdownCode"},
markdownUrl {link = "String"},
markdownListMarker {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
markdownOrderedListMarker {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
asciidocAttributeEntry {fg = colors.base15, bg = colors.none},
asciidocAttributeList {link = "asciidocAttributeEntry"},
asciidocAttributeRef {link = "asciidocAttributeEntry"},
NvimInternalError {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base08},
NormalFloat {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.blend},
FloatBorder {fg = colors.blend, bg = colors.blend},
NormalNC {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.base00},
TermCursor {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base04},
TermCursorNC {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base04},
StatusLine {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.base00},
StatusLineNC {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.base01},
StatusReplace {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base08},
StatusInsert {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base12},
StatusVisual {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base14},
StatusTerminal {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base11},
StatusNormal {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base15},
StatusCommand {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base13},
StatusLineDiagnosticWarn {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.base00, bold = true},
StatusLineDiagnosticError {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.base00, bold = true},
TelescopeBorder {fg = colors.blend, bg = colors.blend},
TelescopePromptBorder {fg = colors.base02, bg = colors.base02},
TelescopePromptNormal {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.base02},
TelescopePromptPrefix {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.base02},
TelescopeNormal {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.blend},
TelescopePreviewTitle {fg = colors.base02, bg = colors.base12},
TelescopePromptTitle {fg = colors.base02, bg = colors.base11},
TelescopeResultsTitle {fg = colors.blend, bg = colors.blend},
TelescopeSelection {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base02},
TelescopePreviewLine {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base01},
TelescopeMatching {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none, bold = true, italic = true},
NotifyERRORBorder {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
NotifyWARNBorder {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
NotifyINFOBorder {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.none},
NotifyDEBUGBorder {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
NotifyTRACEBorder {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
NotifyERRORIcon {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
NotifyWARNIcon {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
NotifyINFOIcon {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.none},
NotifyDEBUGIcon {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
NotifyTRACEIcon {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
NotifyERRORTitle {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
NotifyWARNTitle {fg = colors.base14, bg = colors.none},
NotifyINFOTitle {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.none},
NotifyDEBUGTitle {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
NotifyTRACETitle {fg = colors.base13, bg = colors.none},
CmpItemAbbr {fg = "#adadad", bg = colors.none},
CmpItemAbbrMatch {fg = colors.base05, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
CmpItemMenu {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none, italic = true},
CmpItemKindInterface {fg = colors.white, bg = colors.macro},
CmpItemKindColor {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base08},
CmpItemKindTypeParameter {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base08},
CmpItemKindText {fg = colors.macro, bg =},
CmpItemKindEnum {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base09},
CmpItemKindKeyword {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base09},
CmpItemKindConstant {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base10},
CmpItemKindConstructor {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base10},
CmpItemKindReference {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base10},
CmpItemKindFunction {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base11},
CmpItemKindStruct {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base11},
CmpItemKindClass {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base11},
CmpItemKindModule {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base11},
CmpItemKindOperator {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base11},
CmpItemKindField {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base12},
CmpItemKindProperty {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base12},
CmpItemKindEvent {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base12},
CmpItemKindUnit {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base13},
CmpItemKindSnippet {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base13},
CmpItemKindFolder {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base13},
CmpItemKindVariable {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base14},
CmpItemKindFile {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base14},
CmpItemKindMethod {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base15},
CmpItemKindValue {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base15},
CmpItemKindEnumMember {fg = colors.base01, bg = colors.base15},
NvimTreeImageFile {fg = colors.base12, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeFolderIcon {fg = colors.base12, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeWinSeparator {fg = colors.base00, bg = colors.base00},
NvimTreeFolderName {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeIndentMarker {fg = colors.base02, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeEmptyFolderName {fg = colors.base15, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeOpenedFolderName {fg = colors.base15, bg = colors.none},
NvimTreeNormal {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.base00},
NeogitBranch {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none},
NeogitRemote {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
NeogitHunkHeader {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.base02},
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.base03},
HydraRed {fg = colors.base12, bg = colors.none},
HydraBlue {fg = colors.base09, bg = colors.none},
HydraAmaranth {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none},
HydraTeal {fg = colors.base08, bg = colors.none},
HydraHint {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.blend},
alpha1 {fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.none},
alpha2 {fg = colors.base04, bg = colors.none},
alpha3 {fg = colors.base03, bg = colors.none},
CodeBlock {fg = colors.none, bg = colors.base01},
BufferLineDiagnostic {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
BufferLineDiagnosticVisible {fg = colors.base10, bg = colors.none, bold = true},
htmlH1 {link = "markdownH1"},
mkdRule {link = "markdownRule"},
mkdListItem {link = "markdownListMarker"},
mkdListItemCheckbox {link = "markdownListMarker"},
VimwikiHeader1 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeader2 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeader3 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeader4 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeader5 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeader6 {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiHeaderChar {link = "markdownH1"},
VimwikiList {link = "markdownListMarker"},
VimwikiCode {link = "markdownCode"},
-- Language specific stuff
-- Language specific stuff
-- rustModPath {fg = "#fad000" },
-- rustModPath {fg = "#fad000" },
rustFoldBraces = {fg = colors.macro },
rustFloat = { fg = colors.number },
-- Plugins
RainbowRed = { fg = "#E06C75" },
RainbowYellow= { fg = "#E5C07B" },
Reference in a new issue