# Home Manager maintainers. # # This attribute set contains Home Manager module maintainers that do # not have an entry in the Nixpkgs maintainer list [1]. Entries here # are expected to be follow the same format as described in [1]. # # [1] https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/fca0d6e093c82b31103dc0dacc48da2a9b06e24b/maintainers/maintainer-list.nix#LC1 { amesgen = { name = "amesgen"; email = "amesgen@amesgen.de"; github = "amesgen"; githubId = 15369874; }; austreelis = { email = "github@accounts.austreelis.net"; github = "Austreelis"; githubId = 56743515; name = "Morgane Austreelis"; }; CarlosLoboxyz = { name = "Carlos Lobo"; email = "86011416+CarlosLoboxyz@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "CarlosLoboxyz"; githubId = 86011416; }; dwagenk = { email = "dwagenk@mailbox.org"; github = "dwagenk"; githubId = 32838899; name = "Daniel Wagenknecht"; }; justinlovinger = { name = "Justin Lovinger"; email = "git@justinlovinger.com"; github = "JustinLovinger"; githubId = 7183441; }; owm111 = { email = "7798336+owm111@users.noreply.github.com"; name = "Owen McGrath"; github = "owm111"; githubId = 7798336; }; cwyc = { email = "cwyc@users.noreply.github.com"; name = "cwyc"; github = "cwyc"; githubId = 16950437; }; chisui = { name = "Philipp Dargel"; email = "chisui@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "chisui"; githubId = 4526429; }; olmokramer = { name = "Olmo Kramer"; email = "olmokramer@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "olmokramer"; githubId = 3612514; }; kalhauge = { name = "Christian Gram Kalhauge"; email = "kalhauge@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "kalhauge"; githubId = 1182166; }; kamadorueda = { name = "Kevin Amado"; email = "kamadorueda@gmail.com"; github = "kamadorueda"; githubId = 47480384; keys = [{ longkeyid = "rsa4096/0x04D0CEAF916A9A40"; fingerprint = "2BE3 BAFD 793E A349 ED1F F00F 04D0 CEAF 916A 9A40"; }]; }; kubukoz = { name = "Jakub Kozłowski"; email = "kubukoz@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "kubukoz"; githubId = 894884; }; matrss = { name = "Matthias Riße"; email = "matrss@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "matrss"; githubId = 9308656; }; mifom = { name = "mifom"; email = "mifom@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "mifom"; githubId = 23462908; }; seylerius = { email = "sable@seyleri.us"; name = "Sable Seyler"; github = "seylerius"; githubId = 1145981; keys = [{ logkeyid = "rsa4096/0x68BF2EAE6D91CAFF"; fingerprint = "F0E0 0311 126A CD72 4392 25E6 68BF 2EAE 6D91 CAFF"; }]; }; fendse = { email = "46252070+Fendse@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "Fendse"; githubId = 46252070; name = "Sara Johnsson"; }; maximsmol = { email = "maximsmol@gmail.com"; github = "maximsmol"; githubId = 1472826; name = "Max Smolin"; }; msfjarvis = { email = "me@msfjarvis.dev"; github = "msfjarvis"; githubId = "13348378"; name = "Harsh Shandilya"; keys = [{ longkeyid = "rsa4096/0xB7843F823355E9B9"; fingerprint = "8F87 050B 0F9C B841 1515 7399 B784 3F82 3355 E9B9"; }]; }; ambroisie = { email = "bruno.home-manager@belanyi.fr"; github = "ambroisie"; githubId = 12465195; name = "Bruno BELANYI"; }; malvo = { email = "malte@malvo.org"; github = "malte-v"; githubId = 34393802; name = "Malte Voos"; }; kranzes = { email = "personal@ilanjoselevich.com"; github = "Kranzes"; githubId = 56614642; name = "Ilan Joselevich"; }; mager = { email = "andreas@mager.eu"; github = "AndreasMager"; githubId = 5646732; name = "Andreas Mager"; }; bjpbakker = { email = "bart@thesoftwarecraft.com"; github = "bjpbakker"; githubId = 605641; name = "Bart Bakker"; }; jrobsonchase = { email = "josh@robsonchase.com"; github = "jrobsonchase"; githubId = 1553581; name = "Josh Robson Chase"; }; hawkw = { name = "Eliza Weisman"; email = "eliza@elizas.website"; github = "hawkw"; githubId = 2796466; }; pamplemousse = { name = "Xavier Maso"; email = "xav.maso@gmail.com"; github = "pamplemousse"; githubId = 2647236; }; onny = { name = "onny"; email = "onny@project-insanity.org"; github = "onny"; githubId = 757752; }; aheaume = { name = "aheaume"; email = "aheaume@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "aheaume"; githubId = 13830042; }; t4ccer = { name = "t4ccer"; email = "t4ccer@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "t4ccer"; githubId = 64430288; }; nurelin = { name = "nurelin"; email = "nurelin@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "nurelin"; githubId = 5276274; }; pltanton = { name = "pltanton"; email = "plotnikovanton@gmail.com"; github = "pltanton"; githubId = 4561823; }; Philipp-M = { email = "philipp@mildenberger.me"; github = "Philipp-M"; githubId = 9267430; name = "Philipp Mildenberger"; }; pinage404 = { name = "pinage404"; email = "pinage404@gmail.com"; github = "pinage404"; githubId = 6325757; }; mainrs = { name = "mainrs"; email = "5113257+mainrs@users.noreply.github.com"; github = "mainrs"; githubId = 5113257; }; kmaasrud = { name = "Knut Magnus Aasrud"; email = "km@aasrud.com"; github = "kmaasrud"; githubId = 54394333; }; }