{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.ssh; yn = flag: if flag then "yes" else "no"; hostModule = types.submodule ({...}: { options = { port = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.int; default = null; description = "Specifies port number to connect on remote host."; }; forwardX11 = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Specifies whether X11 connections will be automatically redirected over the secure channel and DISPLAY set. ''; }; forwardX11Trusted = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Specifies whether remote X11 clients will have full access to the original X11 display. ''; }; identitiesOnly = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = '' Specifies that ssh should only use the authentication identity explicitly configured in the .ssh/config files or passed on the ssh command-line, even if ssh-agent offers more identities. ''; }; identityFile = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.string; default = null; description = '' Specifies a file from which user's identity is read. ''; }; user = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.string; default = null; description = "Specifies the user to log in as."; }; hostname = mkOption { type = types.nullOr types.string; default = null; description = "Specifies the real host name to log into."; }; serverAliveInterval = mkOption { type = types.int; default = 0; description = "Set timeout in seconds after which response will be requested."; }; checkHostIP = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = "Check that host IP address in the known_hosts file."; }; }; }); hostStr = host: cf: concatStringsSep "\n" ( ["Host ${host}"] ++ optional (cf.port != null) " Port ${toString cf.port}" ++ optional cf.forwardX11 " ForwardX11 yes" ++ optional cf.forwardX11Trusted " ForwardX11Trusted yes" ++ optional cf.identitiesOnly " IdentitiesOnly yes" ++ optional (cf.user != null) " User ${cf.user}" ++ optional (cf.identityFile != null) " IdentityFile ${cf.identityFile}" ++ optional (cf.hostname != null) " HostName ${cf.hostname}" ++ optional (cf.serverAliveInterval != 0) " ServerAliveInterval ${toString cf.serverAliveInterval}" ++ optional (!cf.checkHostIP) " CheckHostIP no" ); in { options.programs.ssh = { enable = mkEnableOption "SSH Client Configuration"; forwardAgent = mkOption { default = false; type = types.bool; description = '' Whether connection to authentication agent (if any) will be forwarded to remote machine. ''; }; controlMaster = mkOption { default = "no"; type = types.enum ["yes" "no" "ask" "auto" "autoask"]; description = '' Configure sharing of multiple sessions over a single network connection. ''; }; controlPath = mkOption { type = types.string; default = "~/.ssh/master-%r@%h:%p"; description = '' Specify path to the control socket used for connection sharing. ''; }; hosts = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf hostModule; default = {}; description = '' Specify per-host settings. ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { home.file.".ssh/config".text = '' ForwardAgent ${yn cfg.forwardAgent} ControlMaster ${cfg.controlMaster} ControlPath ${cfg.controlPath} ${concatStringsSep "\n\n" (mapAttrsToList hostStr cfg.hosts)} ''; }; }