{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.autorandr; profileModule = types.submodule { options = { fingerprint = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.string; description = '' Output name to EDID mapping. Use <code>autorandr --fingerprint</code> to get current setup values. ''; default = {}; }; config = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf configModule; description = "Per output profile configuration."; default = {}; }; hooks = mkOption { type = profileHooksModule; description = "Profile hook scripts."; default = {}; }; }; }; configModule = types.submodule { options = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; description = "Whether to enable the output."; default = true; }; primary = mkOption { type = types.bool; description = "Whether output should be marked as primary"; default = false; }; position = mkOption { type = types.string; description = "Output position"; default = ""; example = "5760x0"; }; mode = mkOption { type = types.string; description = "Output resolution."; default = ""; example = "3840x2160"; }; rate = mkOption { type = types.string; description = "Output framerate."; default = ""; example = "60.00"; }; gamma = mkOption { type = types.string; description = "Output gamma configuration."; default = ""; example = "1.0:0.909:0.833"; }; rotate = mkOption { type = types.nullOr (types.enum ["normal" "left" "right" "inverted"]); description = "Output rotate configuration."; default = null; example = "left"; }; }; }; hookType = types.lines; globalHooksModule = types.submodule { options = { postswitch = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf hookType; description = "Postswitch hook executed after mode switch."; default = {}; }; preswitch = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf hookType; description = "Preswitch hook executed before mode switch."; default = {}; }; predetect = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf hookType; description = "Predetect hook executed before autorandr attempts to run xrandr."; default = {}; }; }; }; profileHooksModule = types.submodule { options = { postswitch = mkOption { type = hookType; description = "Postswitch hook executed after mode switch."; default = ""; }; preswitch = mkOption { type = hookType; description = "Preswitch hook executed before mode switch."; default = ""; }; predetect = mkOption { type = hookType; description = "Predetect hook executed before autorandr attempts to run xrandr."; default = ""; }; }; }; hookToFile = folder: name: hook: nameValuePair "autorandr/${folder}/${name}" { source = "${pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "hook" hook}/bin/hook"; }; profileToFiles = name: profile: with profile; mkMerge ([ { "autorandr/${name}/setup".text = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList fingerprintToString fingerprint); "autorandr/${name}/config".text = concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList configToString profile.config); } (mkIf (hooks.postswitch != "") (listToAttrs [ (hookToFile name "postswitch" hooks.postswitch) ])) (mkIf (hooks.preswitch != "") (listToAttrs [ (hookToFile name "preswitch" hooks.preswitch) ])) (mkIf (hooks.predetect != "") (listToAttrs [ (hookToFile name "predetect" hooks.predetect) ])) ]); fingerprintToString = name: edid: "${name} ${edid}"; configToString = name: config: if config.enable then '' output ${name} ${optionalString (config.position != "") "pos ${config.position}"} ${optionalString config.primary "primary"} ${optionalString (config.gamma != "") "gamma ${config.gamma}"} ${optionalString (config.mode != "") "mode ${config.mode}"} ${optionalString (config.rate != "") "rate ${config.rate}"} ${optionalString (config.rotate != null) "rotate ${config.rotate}"} '' else '' output ${name} off ''; in { options = { programs.autorandr = { enable = mkEnableOption "Autorandr"; hooks = mkOption { type = globalHooksModule; description = "Global hook scripts"; default = {}; example = literalExample '' { postswitch = { "notify-i3" = "''${pkgs.i3}/bin/i3-msg restart"; "change-background" = readFile ./change-background.sh; "change-dpi" = ''' case "$AUTORANDR_CURRENT_PROFILE" in default) DPI=120 ;; home) DPI=192 ;; work) DPI=144 ;; *) echo "Unknown profle: $AUTORANDR_CURRENT_PROFILE" exit 1 esac echo "Xft.dpi: $DPI" | ''${pkgs.xorg.xrdb}/bin/xrdb -merge ''' }; } ''; }; profiles = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf profileModule; description = "Autorandr profiles specification."; default = {}; example = literalExample '' { "work" = { fingerprint = { eDP1 = "<EDID>"; DP1 = "<EDID>"; }; config = { eDP1.enable = false; DP1 = { enable = true; primary = true; position = "0x0"; mode = "3840x2160"; gamma = "1.0:0.909:0.833"; rate = "60.00"; rotate = "left"; }; }; hooks.postswitch = readFile ./work-postswitch.sh; }; } ''; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = [ pkgs.autorandr ]; xdg.configFile = mkMerge ([ (mapAttrs' (hookToFile "postswitch.d") cfg.hooks.postswitch) (mapAttrs' (hookToFile "preswitch.d") cfg.hooks.preswitch) (mapAttrs' (hookToFile "predetect.d") cfg.hooks.predetect) (mkMerge (mapAttrsToList profileToFiles cfg.profiles)) ]); }; meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.uvnikita ]; }