{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.helix; tomlFormat = pkgs.formats.toml { }; in { meta.maintainers = [ hm.maintainers.Philipp-M ]; options.programs.helix = { enable = mkEnableOption "helix text editor"; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.helix; defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.helix"; description = "The package to use for helix."; }; settings = mkOption { type = tomlFormat.type; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { theme = "base16"; lsp.display-messages = true; keys.normal = { space.space = "file_picker"; space.w = ":w"; space.q = ":q"; }; } ''; description = '' Configuration written to <filename>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/helix/config.toml</filename>. </para><para> See <link xlink:href="https://docs.helix-editor.com/configuration.html" /> for the full list of options. ''; }; languages = mkOption { type = types.listOf tomlFormat.type; default = [ ]; example = [{ name = "rust"; auto-format = false; }]; description = '' Language specific configuration at <filename>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/helix/languages.toml</filename>. </para><para> See <link xlink:href="https://docs.helix-editor.com/languages.html" /> for more information. ''; }; themes = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf tomlFormat.type; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { base16 = let transparent = "none"; gray = "#665c54"; dark-gray = "#3c3836"; white = "#fbf1c7"; black = "#282828"; red = "#fb4934"; green = "#b8bb26"; yellow = "#fabd2f"; orange = "#fe8019"; blue = "#83a598"; magenta = "#d3869b"; cyan = "#8ec07c"; in { "ui.menu" = transparent; "ui.menu.selected" = { modifiers = [ "reversed" ]; }; "ui.linenr" = { fg = gray; bg = dark-gray; }; "ui.popup" = { modifiers = [ "reversed" ]; }; "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = white; bg = black; modifiers = [ "bold" ]; }; "ui.selection" = { fg = black; bg = blue; }; "ui.selection.primary" = { modifiers = [ "reversed" ]; }; "comment" = { fg = gray; }; "ui.statusline" = { fg = white; bg = dark-gray; }; "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = dark-gray; bg = white; }; "ui.help" = { fg = dark-gray; bg = white; }; "ui.cursor" = { modifiers = [ "reversed" ]; }; "variable" = red; "variable.builtin" = orange; "constant.numeric" = orange; "constant" = orange; "attributes" = yellow; "type" = yellow; "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = yellow; modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "string" = green; "variable.other.member" = red; "constant.character.escape" = cyan; "function" = blue; "constructor" = blue; "special" = blue; "keyword" = magenta; "label" = magenta; "namespace" = blue; "diff.plus" = green; "diff.delta" = yellow; "diff.minus" = red; "diagnostic" = { modifiers = [ "underlined" ]; }; "ui.gutter" = { bg = black; }; "info" = blue; "hint" = dark-gray; "debug" = dark-gray; "warning" = yellow; "error" = red; }; } ''; description = '' Each theme is written to <filename>$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/helix/themes/theme-name.toml</filename>. Where the name of each attribute is the theme-name (in the example "base16"). </para><para> See <link xlink:href="https://docs.helix-editor.com/themes.html" /> for the full list of options. ''; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { home.packages = [ cfg.package ]; xdg.configFile = let settings = { "helix/config.toml" = mkIf (cfg.settings != { }) { source = tomlFormat.generate "helix-config" cfg.settings; }; "helix/languages.toml" = mkIf (cfg.languages != [ ]) { source = tomlFormat.generate "helix-config" { language = cfg.languages; }; }; }; themes = (mapAttrs' (n: v: nameValuePair "helix/themes/${n}.toml" { source = tomlFormat.generate "helix-theme-${n}" v; }) cfg.themes); in settings // themes; }; }