{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; { config = { programs.htop.enable = true; programs.htop.settings = { color_scheme = 6; cpu_count_from_one = 0; delay = 15; fields = with config.lib.htop.fields; [ PID USER PRIORITY NICE M_SIZE M_RESIDENT M_SHARE STATE PERCENT_CPU PERCENT_MEM TIME COMM ]; highlight_base_name = 1; highlight_megabytes = 1; highlight_threads = 1; } // (with config.lib.htop; leftMeters { AllCPUs2 = modes.Bar; Memory = modes.Bar; Swap = modes.Bar; Zram = modes.Text; }) // (with config.lib.htop; rightMeters { Tasks = modes.Text; LoadAverage = modes.Text; Uptime = modes.Text; Systemd = modes.Text; }); nmt.script = '' assertFileExists home-files/.config/htop/htoprc ''; }; }