{ lib, moduleName, cfg, pkgs, capitalModuleName ? moduleName, isGaps ? true }:

with lib;

  fonts = mkOption {
    type = types.listOf types.str;
    default = [ "monospace 8" ];
    description = ''
      Font list used for window titles. Only FreeType fonts are supported.
      The order here is important (e.g. icons font should go before the one used for text).
    example = [ "FontAwesome 10" "Terminus 10" ];

  startupModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      command = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        description = "Command that will be executed on startup.";

      always = mkOption {
        type = types.bool;
        default = false;
        description = "Whether to run command on each ${moduleName} restart.";
    } // optionalAttrs (moduleName == "i3") {
      notification = mkOption {
        type = types.bool;
        default = true;
        description = ''
          Whether to enable startup-notification support for the command.
          See <option>--no-startup-id</option> option description in the i3 user guide.

      workspace = mkOption {
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        default = null;
        description = ''
          Launch application on a particular workspace. DEPRECATED:
          Use <varname><link linkend="opt-xsession.windowManager.i3.config.assigns">xsession.windowManager.i3.config.assigns</link></varname>
          instead. See <link xlink:href="https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/issues/265"/>.


  barModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      inherit fonts;

      extraConfig = mkOption {
        type = types.lines;
        default = "";
        description = "Extra configuration lines for this bar.";

      id = mkOption {
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        default = null;
        description = ''
          Specifies the bar ID for the configured bar instance.
          If this option is missing, the ID is set to bar-x, where x corresponds
          to the position of the embedding bar block in the config file.

      mode = mkOption {
        type = types.enum [ "dock" "hide" "invisible" ];
        default = "dock";
        description = "Bar visibility mode.";

      hiddenState = mkOption {
        type = types.enum [ "hide" "show" ];
        default = "hide";
        description = "The default bar mode when 'bar.mode' == 'hide'.";

      position = mkOption {
        type = types.enum [ "top" "bottom" ];
        default = "bottom";
        description = "The edge of the screen ${moduleName}bar should show up.";

      workspaceButtons = mkOption {
        type = types.bool;
        default = true;
        description = "Whether workspace buttons should be shown or not.";

      workspaceNumbers = mkOption {
        type = types.bool;
        default = true;
        description =
          "Whether workspace numbers should be displayed within the workspace buttons.";

      command = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "${cfg.package}/bin/${moduleName}bar";
        defaultText = "i3bar";
        description = "Command that will be used to start a bar.";
        example = if moduleName == "i3" then
          "\${pkgs.i3-gaps}/bin/i3bar -t"

      statusCommand = mkOption {
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        default = "${pkgs.i3status}/bin/i3status";
        description = "Command that will be used to get status lines.";

      colors = mkOption {
        type = types.submodule {
          options = {
            background = mkOption {
              type = types.str;
              default = "#000000";
              description = "Background color of the bar.";

            statusline = mkOption {
              type = types.str;
              default = "#ffffff";
              description = "Text color to be used for the statusline.";

            separator = mkOption {
              type = types.str;
              default = "#666666";
              description = "Text color to be used for the separator.";

            focusedWorkspace = mkOption {
              type = barColorSetModule;
              default = {
                border = "#4c7899";
                background = "#285577";
                text = "#ffffff";
              description = ''
                Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace has focus.

            activeWorkspace = mkOption {
              type = barColorSetModule;
              default = {
                border = "#333333";
                background = "#5f676a";
                text = "#ffffff";
              description = ''
                Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace is active.

            inactiveWorkspace = mkOption {
              type = barColorSetModule;
              default = {
                border = "#333333";
                background = "#222222";
                text = "#888888";
              description = ''
                Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace does not
                have focus and is not active.

            urgentWorkspace = mkOption {
              type = barColorSetModule;
              default = {
                border = "#2f343a";
                background = "#900000";
                text = "#ffffff";
              description = ''
                Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace contains
                a window with the urgency hint set.

            bindingMode = mkOption {
              type = barColorSetModule;
              default = {
                border = "#2f343a";
                background = "#900000";
                text = "#ffffff";
              description =
                "Border, background and text color for the binding mode indicator";
        default = { };
        description = ''
          Bar color settings. All color classes can be specified using submodules
          with 'border', 'background', 'text', fields and RGB color hex-codes as values.
          See default values for the reference.
          Note that 'background', 'status', and 'separator' parameters take a single RGB value.

          See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_colors"/>.

      trayOutput = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "primary";
        description = "Where to output tray.";

  barColorSetModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      border = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      background = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      text = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

  colorSetModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      border = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      childBorder = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      background = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      text = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

      indicator = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        visible = false;

  windowCommandModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      command = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        description = "${capitalModuleName}wm command to execute.";
        example = "border pixel 1";

      criteria = mkOption {
        type = criteriaModule;
        description =
          "Criteria of the windows on which command should be executed.";
        example = { title = "x200: ~/work"; };

  criteriaModule = types.attrsOf types.str;
in {
  inherit fonts;

  window = mkOption {
    type = types.submodule {
      options = {
        titlebar = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = !isGaps;
          defaultText = if moduleName == "i3" then
            "xsession.windowManager.i3.package != nixpkgs.i3-gaps (titlebar should be disabled for i3-gaps)"
          description = "Whether to show window titlebars.";

        border = mkOption {
          type = types.int;
          default = 2;
          description = "Window border width.";

        hideEdgeBorders = mkOption {
          type = types.enum [ "none" "vertical" "horizontal" "both" "smart" ];
          default = "none";
          description = "Hide window borders adjacent to the screen edges.";

        commands = mkOption {
          type = types.listOf windowCommandModule;
          default = [ ];
          description = ''
            List of commands that should be executed on specific windows.
            See <option>for_window</option> ${moduleName}wm option documentation.
          example = [{
            command = "border pixel 1";
            criteria = { class = "XTerm"; };
    default = { };
    description = "Window titlebar and border settings.";

  floating = mkOption {
    type = types.submodule {
      options = {
        titlebar = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = !isGaps;
          defaultText = if moduleName == "i3" then
            "xsession.windowManager.i3.package != nixpkgs.i3-gaps (titlebar should be disabled for i3-gaps)"
          description = "Whether to show floating window titlebars.";

        border = mkOption {
          type = types.int;
          default = 2;
          description = "Floating windows border width.";

        modifier = mkOption {
          type =
            types.enum [ "Shift" "Control" "Mod1" "Mod2" "Mod3" "Mod4" "Mod5" ];
          default = cfg.config.modifier;
          defaultText = "${moduleName}.config.modifier";
          description =
            "Modifier key that can be used to drag floating windows.";
          example = "Mod4";

        criteria = mkOption {
          type = types.listOf criteriaModule;
          default = [ ];
          description =
            "List of criteria for windows that should be opened in a floating mode.";
          example = [
            { "title" = "Steam - Update News"; }
            { "class" = "Pavucontrol"; }
    default = { };
    description = "Floating window settings.";

  focus = mkOption {
    type = types.submodule {
      options = {
        newWindow = mkOption {
          type = types.enum [ "smart" "urgent" "focus" "none" ];
          default = "smart";
          description = ''
            This option modifies focus behavior on new window activation.

            See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#focus_on_window_activation"/>
          example = "none";

        followMouse = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = true;
          description = "Whether focus should follow the mouse.";

        forceWrapping = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = false;
          description = ''
            Whether to force focus wrapping in tabbed or stacked container.

            See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_focus_wrapping"/>

        mouseWarping = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = true;
          description = ''
            Whether mouse cursor should be warped to the center of the window when switching focus
            to a window on a different output.
    default = { };
    description = "Focus related settings.";

  assigns = mkOption {
    type = types.attrsOf (types.listOf criteriaModule);
    default = { };
    description = ''
      An attribute set that assigns applications to workspaces based
      on criteria.
    example = literalExample ''
      "1: web" = [{ class = "^Firefox$"; }];
      "0: extra" = [{ class = "^Firefox$"; window_role = "About"; }];

  modifier = mkOption {
    type = types.enum [ "Shift" "Control" "Mod1" "Mod2" "Mod3" "Mod4" "Mod5" ];
    default = "Mod1";
    description = "Modifier key that is used for all default keybindings.";
    example = "Mod4";

  workspaceLayout = mkOption {
    type = types.enum [ "default" "stacked" "tabbed" ];
    default = "default";
    example = "tabbed";
    description = ''
      The mode in which new containers on workspace level will

  workspaceAutoBackAndForth = mkOption {
    type = types.bool;
    default = false;
    example = true;
    description = ''
      Assume you are on workspace "1: www" and switch to "2: IM" using
      mod+2 because somebody sent you a message. You don’t need to remember
      where you came from now, you can just press $mod+2 again to switch
      back to "1: www".

  keycodebindings = mkOption {
    type = types.attrsOf (types.nullOr types.str);
    default = { };
    description = ''
      An attribute set that assigns keypress to an action using key code.
      See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#keybindings"/>.
    example = { "214" = "exec /bin/script.sh"; };

  colors = mkOption {
    type = types.submodule {
      options = {
        background = mkOption {
          type = types.str;
          default = "#ffffff";
          description = ''
            Background color of the window. Only applications which do not cover
            the whole area expose the color.

        focused = mkOption {
          type = colorSetModule;
          default = {
            border = "#4c7899";
            background = "#285577";
            text = "#ffffff";
            indicator = "#2e9ef4";
            childBorder = "#285577";
          description = "A window which currently has the focus.";

        focusedInactive = mkOption {
          type = colorSetModule;
          default = {
            border = "#333333";
            background = "#5f676a";
            text = "#ffffff";
            indicator = "#484e50";
            childBorder = "#5f676a";
          description = ''
            A window which is the focused one of its container,
            but it does not have the focus at the moment.

        unfocused = mkOption {
          type = colorSetModule;
          default = {
            border = "#333333";
            background = "#222222";
            text = "#888888";
            indicator = "#292d2e";
            childBorder = "#222222";
          description = "A window which is not focused.";

        urgent = mkOption {
          type = colorSetModule;
          default = {
            border = "#2f343a";
            background = "#900000";
            text = "#ffffff";
            indicator = "#900000";
            childBorder = "#900000";
          description = "A window which has its urgency hint activated.";

        placeholder = mkOption {
          type = colorSetModule;
          default = {
            border = "#000000";
            background = "#0c0c0c";
            text = "#ffffff";
            indicator = "#000000";
            childBorder = "#0c0c0c";
          description = ''
            Background and text color are used to draw placeholder window
            contents (when restoring layouts). Border and indicator are ignored.
    default = { };
    description = ''
      Color settings. All color classes can be specified using submodules
      with 'border', 'background', 'text', 'indicator' and 'childBorder' fields
      and RGB color hex-codes as values. See default values for the reference.
      Note that '${moduleName}.config.colors.background' parameter takes a single RGB value.

      See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_changing_colors"/>.

  bars = mkOption {
    type = types.listOf barModule;
    default = [ { } ];
    description = ''
      ${capitalModuleName} bars settings blocks. Set to empty list to remove bars completely.

  startup = mkOption {
    type = types.listOf startupModule;
    default = [ ];
    description = ''
      Commands that should be executed at startup.

      See <link xlink:href="https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#_automatically_starting_applications_on_i3_startup"/>.
    example = literalExample ''
      { command = "systemctl --user restart polybar"; always = true; notification = false; }
      { command = "dropbox start"; notification = false; }
      { command = "firefox"; workspace = "1: web"; }

  gaps = mkOption {
    type = types.nullOr (types.submodule {
      options = {
        inner = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Inner gaps value.";
          example = 12;

        outer = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Outer gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        horizontal = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Horizontal gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        vertical = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Vertical gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        top = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Top gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        left = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Left gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        bottom = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Bottom gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        right = mkOption {
          type = types.nullOr types.int;
          default = null;
          description = "Right gaps value.";
          example = 5;

        smartGaps = mkOption {
          type = types.bool;
          default = false;
          description = ''
            This option controls whether to disable all gaps (outer and inner)
            on workspace with a single container.
          example = true;

        smartBorders = mkOption {
          type = types.enum [ "on" "off" "no_gaps" ];
          default = "off";
          description = ''
            This option controls whether to disable container borders on
            workspace with a single container.
    default = null;
    description = if moduleName == "sway" then ''
      Gaps related settings.
    '' else ''
      i3Gaps related settings. The i3-gaps package must be used for these features to work.

  terminal = mkOption {
    type = types.str;
    default = if moduleName == "i3" then
    description = "Default terminal to run.";
    example = "alacritty";

  menu = mkOption {
    type = types.str;
    default = if moduleName == "sway" then
      "${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu_path | ${pkgs.dmenu}/bin/dmenu | ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/xargs swaymsg exec --"
    description = "Default launcher to use.";
    example = "bemenu-run";