Robert Helgesson 4aa9eb327d
WIP home-manager: avoid profile management during activation
This commit deprecates profile management from the activation script.
The profile management is instead the responsibility of the driving
software, for example, the `home-manager` tool in the case of
standalone installs.

The legacy behavior is still available for backwards compatibility but
may be removed in the future.

The new behavior resolves (or moves us closer to resolving) a number
of long standing open issues:

- `home-manager switch --rollback`, which performs a rollback to the
  previous Home Manager generation before activating. While it was
  previously possible to accomplish this by activating an old
  generation, it did always create a new profile generation.

  This option has been implemented as part of this commit.

- `home-manager switch --test`, which activates the configuration but
  does not create a new profile generation.

  This option has _not_ been implemented here since it relies on the
  current configuration being activated on login, which we do not
  currently do.

- When using the "Home Manager as a NixOS module" installation method
  we previously created an odd `home-manager` per-user "shadow
  profile" for the user. This is no longer necessary.

  This has been implemented as part of this commit.

Fixes #3450
2024-06-22 15:15:55 +02:00

116 lines
4 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
with lib;
cfg = config.home-manager;
serviceEnvironment = optionalAttrs (cfg.backupFileExtension != null) {
HOME_MANAGER_BACKUP_EXT = cfg.backupFileExtension;
} // optionalAttrs cfg.verbose { VERBOSE = "1"; };
in {
imports = [ ./common.nix ];
options.home-manager = {
enableLegacyProfileManagement = mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = versionOlder config.system.stateVersion "24.05";
defaultText = lib.literalMD ''
- `true` for `system.stateVersion` < 24.05,
- `false` otherwise'';
description = ''
Whether to enable legacy profile (and garbage collection root)
management during activation. When enabled, the Home Manager activation
will produce a per-user `home-manager` Nix profile as well as a garbage
collection root, just like in the standalone installation of Home
Manager. Typically, this is not desired when Home Manager is embedded in
the system configuration.
config = mkMerge [
home-manager = {
extraSpecialArgs.nixosConfig = config;
sharedModules = [{
# The per-user directory inside /etc/profiles is not known by
# fontconfig by default.
fonts.fontconfig.enable = lib.mkDefault
(cfg.useUserPackages && config.fonts.fontconfig.enable);
# Inherit glibcLocales setting from NixOS.
i18n.glibcLocales = lib.mkDefault config.i18n.glibcLocales;
# Legacy profile management is when the activation script generates GC
# root and home-manager profile. The modern way simply relies on the
# GC root that the system maintains, which should also protect the
# Home Manager activation package outputs.
home.activationGenerateGcRoot = cfg.enableLegacyProfileManagement;
(mkIf (cfg.users != { }) {
systemd.services = mapAttrs' (_: usercfg:
username = usercfg.home.username;
driverVersion =
if cfg.enableLegacyProfileManagement then "0" else "1";
in nameValuePair ("home-manager-${utils.escapeSystemdPath username}") {
description = "Home Manager environment for ${username}";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
wants = [ "nix-daemon.socket" ];
after = [ "nix-daemon.socket" ];
before = [ "systemd-user-sessions.service" ];
environment = serviceEnvironment;
unitConfig = { RequiresMountsFor = usercfg.home.homeDirectory; };
stopIfChanged = false;
serviceConfig = {
User = usercfg.home.username;
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
TimeoutStartSec = "5m";
SyslogIdentifier = "hm-activate-${username}";
ExecStart = let
systemctl =
"XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=\${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$UID} systemctl";
sed = "${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed";
exportedSystemdVariables = concatStringsSep "|" [
setupEnv = pkgs.writeScript "hm-setup-env" ''
#! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} -el
# The activation script is run by a login shell to make sure
# that the user is given a sane environment.
# If the user is logged in, import variables from their current
# session environment.
eval "$(
${systemctl} --user show-environment 2> /dev/null \
| ${sed} -En '/^(${exportedSystemdVariables})=/s/^/export /p'
exec "$1/activate" --driver-version ${driverVersion}
in "${setupEnv} ${usercfg.home.activationPackage}";
}) cfg.users;